Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011



Full name: Thomas Matthew DeLonge
Wife: Jennifer DeLonge (a.k.a. Jen Jenkins)
Children: 1 girl- Ava Elizabeth DeLonge (born on July 15th/2002)
Pets: German Shepherd named Grey
Current residence: Encinitas, California
Birthday: December 13th,1975
Past and Present Bands: Past-Blink 182, Box Car Racer Current- Angels and Airwaves.
Hometown: Poway, California
Fact about him: When he was 15 years old, he got suspended from school for getting drunk at a basketball game.

Full name: Markus Allen Hoppus
Wife: Skye Hoppus (a.k.a. Skye Everly)
Children: 1 boy- Jack Hoppus
Past and Present Bands: Past- Blink 182 Current- +44
Pets: 3 dogs- Atticus, Cheesburger, and Ahi
Current residence: Encinitas, California
Birthday: March 15th,1972
Fact about him: His role model is Homer Simpson

Full name: Travis Landon Barker
Ex-Wife: Shanna -Former Miss USA
Children: 1- boy Landon Barker
Past and Present Bands: Past- Blink 182 Current- +44
Current residence: San Diego, California
Birthday: November 14th,1975
Fact about him: He has a tattoo along his collar bone that reads- "Can I Sad"


Biografi & Sejarah Blink 182 :
Band aliran Punk paling terkenal di saentero dunia tahun 90-an Blink 182, sampai sekarang siapa sih yang ga pernah tau (atau minimal dengar) soal Blink 182.

Adalah Tom DeLonge, Mark Hoppus, ama Scott Raynor para personel yuang sebenernya pertamakali dikenal dengan nama "blink" saja. Album pertama mereka di 1993 berjudul "Fly Swatter"hehe lucunya album ini direkam di kamar Scott kontan ajah kuaitas suaranya jelek banget alias ancur!.trus disusul oleh album "buddha" di 1994 nama Blink 182 mulai digunakan karena ada band lain yang sebelumnya sudah mematenkan nama "blink" angka 182 yang jadi tambahan nama hanya nomor2 acak yang terlintas di kepala personelnya. kesuksesan band ini terangkat pas manggung bareng NOFX dan sebagian lagu2nya jadi lagu tema video skate/surf/snowboard.

Blink baru bener2 punya album beneran di 1994 "Chesire Cat", di tahun ini pulalah pergantian nama dari blink jadi blink 182 terjadi. Tertarik dengan musikalitas Blink, perusahaan rekaman gede, MCA mulai mengontrak mereka, dan meluncurkan albumnya:"Dude Ranch" dan lahirlah 2 lagu hit mereka "josie" serta "dammit" 2 lagu itu melambung di pqringkat teratas charts amrik selama beberapa waktu. Di 1998 timbul Scott yang sudah sangat bergantung dengan alkohol memutuskan untuk rehab dan meninggalkan band untuk rehab dan melanjutkan sekolah. Hilangnya satu anggota tentu butuh pengganti ,Travis Barker mantan drummer Aquabats bergabung.

1999 dengan dirilisnya album:"Enema of The State" sukses mengantarkan Blink ke puncak popularitas, banyak lagu2 dari album itu yang diputar di radio2 dan Mtv untuk waktu yang cukup lama lagu2 macam "Adam's Songs", "All The Small Things" de el el rupanya benar2 mampu dijual kepasaran dan bersaing ama band yang se-genre macam; NOFX,Green Day, dan The Offspring. Tapi nggak semua suka ama perubahan dari Blink 182 ini... fans asli yang mengikuti mereka sejak awal ngrasa kalau lagu2 blink di album itu sudah terlalu banyak terpengaruh oleh unsur pop dan keluar dari rock-punk.

Kesuksesan blink semakin menanjak 2001, mereka melontarkan "Take Off Your Pants And Jacket" kepasar. Mereka juga muncul disampul majalah Cosmogirl dan memenangi "Nicklelodeon Kid's Music Awards". Tom ama Travis juga mulai serius berkecimpung di side-jobnya: Box Car Racer, band dengan aliran musik alternatif.

2002, muncul invasi dari simple-pan, GC, New Found Glory, yang juga turut meramaikan pasar, nggak gentar Blink-182 juga terjun dengan "Blink-182 Untitled" muncul lagu2 paling dahsyat dari Blink:"I Miss You","Down","Feeling This","Always" bener2 nunjukin proses kedewasaan dari band ini ada yang bilang kalo Blink terpengaruh ama musikalitas dari U2 ama The Police.

2005, blink mulai bubar dengan alasan "pengin kumpul bareng keluarga" sebagai perpisahan, dirilis "greatest hits", kini Blink-182 terpecah jadi 2:"+44" yang digawangi Travis ama Hoppus sementara Tom DeLonge di "Angels And Airwaves".

kita tunggu kapan mereka akan reunian lagi......

News : Power Pop Of Green day

Setelah diberitakan akan menggandeng Butch Vig untuk menjadi produser album terbarunya Green Day nanti, ternyata Billie Joe Armstrong (vokalis band Green Day) saat ini juga sedang banyak mendengarkan band-band beraliran Power Pop, seperti The JAMS, The WHO, Buzzcocks, dan juga The Beatles. Hal ini diungkapkan olehnya sewaktu diwawancarai oleh altprees.com beberapa waktu lalu, dia berkata, “Gue seneng banget mengaransemen sebuah lagu baru, moment seperti itu rasanya its better than sex, believe me. Dan saat ini gue lagi senang-senangnya bagaimana mengaransemen sebuah lagu yang bernuansakan musik yang berirama Power Pop. Gue lagi demen banget masukin semua unsur musik dari The Creation, The Jams, The Who, BUzzcocks, The Beatles, hingga Cheap Trick, lalu semua itu gue coba kombinasiin menjadi sebuah kunci gitar bernada 3 chord yang bakalan gila banget, ngerti maksud gue gak? Jadi, saat ini gue sendiri lagi mem-push diri gue sendiri untuk menjadi progressive banget dalam hal menulis lagu dan juga menulis lirik, intinya Power Pop muik itu bener-bener awesome man, its truly Beautifull” ucap Billie Joe. Dan Billie Joe pun memberikan komentarnya terhadap Butch Vig perihal tentang akan banyaknya unsure Power Pop di album terbaru Green Day, “Dia memberikan semua kemampuan terbaiknya untuk memproduseri kita, I mean, he gets Psyched on a F..cking metronome, and that’s inspiring to us a lot. Dia bukan typical seorang produser yang suka mengumbar kata-kata, dia adalah seorang produser yang sangat professional dan pekerja keras, dan juga dia seorang yang sangat straight forward for everything, so we respect him for everything what he;s done so far” ucap Billie Joe lagi. Jadi penasaran neh sama album barunya Green Day, secara musiknya Power Pop, kira-kira bakalan gimana yah jadinya kalau di mix sama 3 kunci khas musik Punk rock?      

News : billie joe armstrong

Pentolan band pop punk Green Day, Billie Joe. Yang sempat tertangkap polisi pada tahun 2003 karena sedang membawa mobil dalam keadaan mabuk alcohol bercampur dengan narkoba, mengakui apabila saat ini dia merasa sudah terlalu tua untuk menkonsumsi substansi illegal lagi ke dalam tuuhnya.

Cowok berumur 37 tahun ini berkata, “What will I never do again? Methamphetamine. I'd rather be huffing gas than sticking speed up my nose.Gue udah gak bisa lagi ‘nyikat’ acid. Kayanya gue bakalan berdiri di atas gedung sambil bertelanjang tanpa sehelai benang’pun, sambil menghisap jempol hanya untuk merasakan ‘kebahagiaan yang semu’ apabila gue ‘nyikat’ acid lagi” ucap Billie Joe berkomentar tentang keinginannya untuk tidak mengkonsumsi narkoba lagi. Ketika di tanyakan apakah dirinya takut memasuki umur 40 tahun, Billie pun menambahkan, “I don’t mind getting older. I wouldn’t trade my future with anybody else’s” lanjut Billie Joe lagi menambahkan komentarnya tentang kesiapannya memasuki umur 40 tahun

News : Green day Rock band

Green Day akan memperkenalkan video game rock band’nya sendiri.

Band trio ini akan mengikuti jejak The Beatles menjadi band yang mendapatkan versi edisi spesial dari video game paling popular sat ini dengan mengeluarkan edisi khusus game rock band seri Green Day.

Billie Joe Armstrong pentolan band ini memberikan komentarnya tentang hal ini, “We've worked with the Rock Band team in the past year to enable our fans to play tracks from 21st Century Breakdown. Dan kita excited banget untuk berkerja sama dengan pihak Rock band .We want people to fire this up, choose their favorite Green Day tracks and play along with us as Rock Band avatars. Jadi mereka bisa merasakan seperti apa tampil menjadi Green Day di atas panggung” ucap pentolan band trio punk ini memberikan komentarnya tentang video game khusus Green Day ini.

Greenday biografi and all.: AI Cast and Green Day on Tony Awards

Greenday biografi and all.: AI Cast and Green Day on Tony Awards


1) 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours

1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hour

1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hour

* Terbit: 1 Juli 1991
* Penjualan: Worldwide: RIAA certification: Gold
* Label: Lookout! Records
* Produser: Green Day dan Andy Ernst
Tracks: At the Library, Don’t Leave Me, I Was There, Disappearing Boy, Green Day, Going to Pasalacqua, 16, Road to Acceptance, Rest, The Judge’s Daughter, Paper Lanterns, Why Do You Want Him?, 409 in Your Coffeemaker, Knowledge, 1000 Hours, Dry Ice, Only of You, The One I Want, I Want to Be Alone




* Terbit: 7 Januari 1992
* Penjualan: RIAA certification: Platinum
* Label: Lookout! Records
* Produser: Green Day dan Andy Ernst
Lagu: 2000 Light Years Away, One For the Razorbacks, Welcome to Paradise, Christie Road, Private Ale, Dominated Love Slave, One of My Lies, 80, Android, No One Knows, Who Wrote Holden Caulfield, Words I Might Have Ate, Sweet Children, Best Thing in Town, Strangeland, My Generation




* Terbit: 1 Februari 1994
* Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Album 1995
* Chart positions: #2 US, #13 UK, #4 GER
* Sales: Worldwide: 15 million[1], RIAA certification: 10x Platinum (Diamond), UK 2x Platinum (600,000)
* Label: Reprise Records
* Produser: Green Day dan Rob Cavallo
Lagu: Burnout, Having a Blast, Chump, Longview, Welcome to Paradise, Pulling Teeth, Basket Case, She, Sassafras Roots, When I Come Around, Coming Clean, Emenius Sleepus, In the End, F.O.D./All By Myself




* Terbit: 10 Oktober 1995
* Chart positions: #2 US, #8 UK, #12 GER
* Penjualan: Worldwide: RIAA certification: 2x Platinum, UK: Silver (60,000)
* Label: Reprise Records
* Produser: Green Day dan Rob Cavallo
Lagu: Armatage Shanks, Brat, Stuck With Me, Geek Stink Breath, No Pride, Babs Uvula Who?, 86, Panic Song, Stuart and the Ave., Brain Stew, Jaded, Westbound Sign, Tight Wad Hill, Walking Contradiction


Nimrod cover album

Nimrod cover album

* Terbit: 14 Oktober 1997
* Chart positions: #10 US, #3 AUS, #11 UK, #31 GER
* Penjualan: RIAA certification: 2x Platinum, UK: Silver
* Label: Reprise Records
* Produser: Green Day dan Rob Cavallo
Lagu: Nice Guys Finish Last, Hitchin’ a Ride, The Grouch, Redundant, Scattered, All the Time, Worry Rock, Platypus (I Hate You), Uptight, Last Ride in, Jinx, Haushinka, Walking Alone, Reject, Take Back, King for a Day, Good Riddance (Time of Your Life), Prosthetic Head


warning cover album

warning cover album

* Terbit: 3 Oktober 2000
* Chart position: #4 US, #4 UK, #7 AUS, #21 GER
* Penjualan: Worldwide: RIAA certification: Platinum, UK: Gold (100,000)
* Label: Reprise Records
* Produser: Green Day
Lagu: Warning, Blood, Sex, and Booze, Church on Sunday, Fashion Victim, Castaway, Misery, Deadbeat Holiday, Hold On, Jackass, Waiting, Minority, Macy’s Day Parade

7)International Superhits!

International superhits cover album

International superhits cover album

* Terbit: 13 November 2001
* Chart position: #40 US, #15 UK, #11 AUS, #67 GER
* Penjualan: Worldwide: RIAA certification: Platinum, UK: Platinum (300,000)
* Label: Reprise Records
* Produser: Tracks 1-2 by Jerry Finn and Green Day, Tracks 3-15 by Rob Cavallo and Green Day, Tracks 16-21 by Green Day
Lagu: Maria, Poprocks and Coke, Longview, Welcome to Paradise, Basket Case, When I Come Around, She, J.A.R. (Jason Andrew Relva), Geek Stink Breath, Brain Stew, Jaded, Walking Contradiction, Stuck With Me, Hitchin’ a Ride, Good Riddance (Time of Your Life), Redundant, Nice Guys Finish Last, Minority, Warning, Waiting, Macy’s Day Parade

Shenanigans cover album

Shenanigans cover album

* Terbit: 2 Juli 2002
* Chart position: #27 US, #32 UK, #100 GER
* Penjualan: Worldwide: 2 million
* Label: Reprise Records
* Produser: Green Day and Rob Cavallo
Lagu: Suffocate, Desensitized, You Lied, Outsider, Don’t Wanna Fall in Love, Espionage, I Want to Be on TV, Scumbag, Tired of Waiting for You, Sick of Me, Rotting, Do Da Da, On The Wagon, Ha Ha You’re Dead

9)American Idiot

American idiot cover album

American idiot cover album

* Terbit: 21 September 2004
* Grammy Awards for Best Rock Album 2005 and Record of the Year 2006 for “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”
* Chart position: #1 US, #1 UK, #1 AUS, #1 Japan, #1 Sweden, #1 Switzerland, #1 Austria, #3 Germany
* Penjualan: Worldwide: 10 million[2], RIAA certification: 5x Platinum, UK: 3x Platinum (900,000)
* Label: Reprise Records
* Producers: Green Day and Rob Cavallo
Lagu: American Idiot, Jesus of Suburbia, Holiday, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Are We The Waiting, St. Jimmy, Give Me Novacaine, She’s a Rebel, Extraordinary Girl, Letterbomb, Wake Me Up When September Ends, Homecoming, Whatsername

10) 21 st Century Breakdown

21st century breakdown

21st century breakdown

Terbit: 2009
* Grammy Awards and Record of the Year 2010 for “21 guns”


# I have a homosexual crush on most adolescents."
# (Talking about Mike taking a shit off the hotel balcony): "She was so pissed, so she was gonna make us leave the hotel..but she didn't. big mistake!"
# "It's, like, an ok tour bus and all, but people see book mobile on the side and come up and ask us if we have any book to sell. I mean how stupid is that....books? We don't even read."
# "They should legalize pot, do it!! Do it!!"
# "We kick ass now. We've seen a million faces and we rocked them all."
# "I wanna survive an avalanche, I wanna be one of those people a dog finds burried uder a ton of snow, almost dying of starvation."
# "I always said that the world is a better place because of Joey Ramone."
# "Music has never been at a better time then it is right now, we're really lucky to be a part of this wonderful thing called music."
# "You'd think we were really good at writing songs or something."
# (To LAUNCH.com on the US's action after the WTC bombings): "I object. I object to any killing at all. You know, it's terrible what happened and I think retaliation definitely makes sense and it's definitely one option. But, personally, I prefer peace. You know, maybe I'm just being ignorant and shortsighted, you know, it's true I'm not running the government, I'm not running the United States. I just don't think that killing people is a good way to remedy people dying. Martin Luther King Jr., said that you can murder a murderer but you can never murder murder itself."
# (On Who's Most Accident Prone): "It used to be Mike, but lately I've been catching up."
# (On MTV): "I don't see anything on it, all I see is shows. There is never anything on it. Just MTV talking about how cool MTV is."
# "Mmm, you can almost smell the burning pork...Hey, you ever thrown rocks at cops?"
# "You know, I knew the day that George Bush was elected president that we were in deep, deep sh-t. I knew it. I was like, 'Well, some sh-t's gonna hit the fan now,' 'cause, you know, the Bush family's been in the politics business for way too long to not have crazy enemies."
# "``Satan. Satan, Satan,'' he chanted. ``That's what's different. We're all firm believers in Satan now. We think Satan is cool. ``How the fuck do you think a band like Green Day got popular?'' (talking about how he doesn't belive they sold out)"
# "I want to wash your grandmother.
# "Lets count the waves...one, one thousand, two one thousand"
# "I don't understand what Billie just said so, I'll talk about chickens...."
# "It's good to have some offspring...oops..shouldn't say that word, can you edit it out?"
# "It was the pile of shit I ever saw." (on the MTV Video Music Award's in '95)
# "You can't fuck with us now. We did it. We pulled it off." (talking about the record that was stolen and how they created a better album anyway)
# "I can suck my own."
# "Life is like breakfast you just mix all ingredients cause in your stomach it will all come together.
# "I told my dad yeah I’m going to be a drummer and he said well of you can rub your stomach at the same time as you pat your head at the same time you’re standing on one leg and kicking the other one out in a circle and say the pledge of


# Dogs are gonna take over the world. It's a known fact for those who believe it, kinda like the Bible."
# "Don't blame me for the explosion of punk rock. I didn't know our music was going to get that big."
# "We write music for ourselves and if other people like it, that's great."
# "If my kid didn't rebel, she wouldn't be my kid."
# "I'll remember 1994 as the year that....ate shit.... "
# On Good Riddance: Time of Your Life): "Putting that song on our record was probably the most punk thing we could do."
# "Green day is like sex, when were good, were really good, when were bad . . . were still pretty damn good."
# (At Mark Hoppus of blink-182): "Stop throwing shit or I'll jump in there and beat your ass."
# (Speaking of blink-182): "Seriously, at first I was happy for them, but now I find it a little irritatign. I think they trivialise what we do, and punk rock in general. It's like throwing shit in the face of something or someone that had substance at one point. Didn't one of the members marry someone from MTV? I mean, what the fuck? But if any band should be pissed off at them then isn't NOFX."
# "Then all of a sudden we got introduced to punk music and it was the coolest fuckin' thing"
# "I have a daughter and she's the greatest thing that ever happened to me. She gives me a good excuse to watch cartoons."
# "All my religious beliefs are based on Star Wars."
# "There are weeks when I'll spank a lot, and other weeks I'll be apathetic and lonely and won't want to look at my cock."
# "I don't really listen to it...I'm agnostic." (When asked about if he liked UK pop music)
# "Now are any of these vegetables magic? I mean if I rub that bean on my foot will I run faster?"
# "I'm gonna be cremated. I don't want to be stuck in any box. Maybe they'll bury me upside down and plant a seed in my ass."
# "I have a Rolex collection and a diamond collection. I'd like to find the biggest goddamn diamond I could find, eat it and pick it out of my shit the next day."


# "Are you canadian? Oh, okay, 'cause you're sure as hell acting like one right now."
# "All saints are gonna be there? Tre, you might get laid!"
# VH1's Behind the Music: "We put the fun back in dysfunctional."
# VH1's Behind the Music: "You say it to my face, you might be pickin' yourself off the ground."
# "[Our 'Waiting' video] was totally a failure. [MTV] doesn't show any videos anymore. If we had a booty video - if we had, like, McG, with girls shaking their ass in the video -- it would probably get played. Actually, I am just really bitter right now."
# "It's fun until someone gets hurt...then it's halarious."
# "Punk rock is dead...and I fucking killed it."
# "Minority is about being an individual. It's like you have to sift through the darkness to find your place and be that individual you want to be your entire life."
# "You think your life is tough? Try being a parent!"
# "I'm not gonna say anything inspirational; I'm just gonna fucking swear a lot."
# "They have bad taste. I am not a good-looking guy."
# "School is practice for the future, and practice makes perfect, and nobodies perfect, so why practice?"
# "I sound like an Englishman impersonating an American impersonating an Englishman."
# "There's nothing wrong with being a loser, it just depends on how good you are at it."
# "I think the little bush is a bit stupid and more or less the puppet of his old man."
# "I fucking hate Lynyrd Skynyrd, I've always hated Lynyrd Skynyrd. Fuckin' backwards ass hillbilly shit."
# "B-I-L-L-I-E J-O-E. My real name is Billie Joe. And it's southern, my moms from Oklahoma and that's how I got the name."
# "Well, you know, I look at myself in the morning and yes, yeah I-I am a God."
# "A guy walks up to me and asks 'What's Punk?'. So I kick over a garbage can and say 'That's punk!'. So he kicks over the garbage can and says 'That's Punk?', and I say 'No that's trendy!'
# "It's my fucking life and you know what nobody invited you...so there's the door...see ya!"
# "When someone is in a car accident and they're driving at 100 mph, drunk, who's tape do you think his listening to at that time? Think about it."
# "The darkness is coming now god dammit!"
# "My mom was from Oklahoma, hence the name Billie Joe...It's not William Joseph it's just Billie Joe."
# "They sound like Tré choking on a hair ball." (Slipknot)
# "Just about 99% of the population masturbates while the other 1%, lie about it."
# "This song's off our album. It's called Kerplunk. It's kind of in line with the shit thing, ya know, it's like you take a dookie and it kerplunks in the toilet."
# "What? You can heckle me if you want, it's okay I won't understand!" (at a foreign concert)
# "'Welcome to Montreal-- fuck you', would be a good sign at your highways."
# "Ah, if someone falls down, please pick him back up cuz it doesn't mean that there's a fuckin' camera in your face that you don't have to lookout for each other."
# "Yeah fuck me! I wish all of you could fuck me!"
# "A lot of people, when they talk to me, I can't wait for them to shut up. Like, shut up. you're a moron. I have nothing to say, you know?"
# "Never run in the rain with your socks on."
# "I never thought that being obnoxious would get me where I am now."
# "Aw, how the fuck are you all doin' tonight?... That's what I fuckin' wanted to hear, goddamnit!"
# "I'm not as depressed as I used to be. The Prozac's working!"
# "I hate celebrities. I really hate them."
# "I actually have less friends now than I ever had."
# "I'm still wearing the pants I had in the eleventh grade."
# "Our passion is our strength."
# "Adrienne is the only woman I will ever love."
# "I got body lice in Gremany! I'd tell you they were crabs, but I wasn't getting laid."
# "You want a drumstick? Like a ice cream cone or a chicken wing!?"
# "One thing I want to teach my son is sensitivity to other people. I want to teach him not to be this macho freak."
# "I kind of became everyone’s weird uncle. I was drunk all the time wearing a fucking leopard g string."
# "Attack your instruments. Don’t let them attack you."
# "Punk is always something that’s going to be with us and to try and explain that would be stupid at this point."
# "Do I want to change the world with music? Well fuck yeah I want to change the world to a certain extent yeah. It needs to be changed....it needs a kick in the ass."
# "What do you mean we walked around dressed like girls? We walked around in our own clothes they just happened to be dresses."
# (In regards to the story on the Kerplunk cover The Diary of Laurie L) "I thought it was kinda lame. The story was great. Totally hilarious. But it was too much. Kinda like turning us into a parody of ourselves."
# (When asked in 1992 where they would be in 3 years) "I’m going to point a gun at Tre. Tre is going to point a gun at Mike. Mike is going to point a gun at me." (Mike: "We’re going to count to 3 and pull the trigger.")
# "History will tell if we were really a good band or just a one day fly."
# "There is not a band you can mention that we haven’t kicked their ass at one time or another."
# (at the 47th Annual Grammy Awards, acceptance speech) "Rock 'n' roll can be fun and dangerous at the same time."
# "Woodstock was about the closest thing to anarchy I've ever seen in my whole life, and I didn't like it."
# "You're the fucking leaders, you have the power. Don't let these bastards dictate the rest of the world, or dictate you fucking life!" (at Live 8 concert on July 2, 2005 in Berlin, Germany)


Tre Cool (Frank Edwin Wright lahir III; 9 Desember 1972) adalah seorang Jerman kelahiran Amerika drummer untuk punk rock band Green Day . He replaced the band's former drummer John Kiffmeyer in 1990, he has also played in Samiam , The Lookouts , and the Green Day side projects The Network and Foxboro Hot Tubs . Ia menggantikan Mantan drummer band John Kiffmeyer pada tahun 1990, dia juga bermain di Samiam , para pengintai , dan Green Day samping proyek Jaringan dan Foxboro Hot Tubs .

Kehidupan dan Karir
Frank Edwin Wright III was born in Frankfurt, Germany . Frank Edwin Wright III lahir di Frankfurt, Jerman . He lived in Willits, California with his father and his older sister, Lori. Dia tinggal di Willits, California dengan ayahnya dan kakak nya, Lori. His father, a helicopter pilot in the Vietnam War , decided to move the family there to insulate them upon his return to the United States. ayahnya, seorang pilot helikopter di Perang Vietnam , memutuskan untuk pindah keluarga ada untuk melindungi mereka setelah kembali ke Amerika Serikat.

Wright's closest neighbor was Larry Livermore , who at the time was the singer of the punk band The Lookouts . tetangga terdekat Wright Larry Livermore , yang pada saat itu adalah penyanyi dari band punk para pengintai . At age 12, Livermore recruited Wright to join The Lookouts and gave him the name of Tre Cool [ 2 ] relying on both the French word très (meaning very ) [ 3 ] combined with the word cool . Pada usia 12, Livermore Wright direkrut untuk bergabung dengan para pengintai dan memberinya nama Tre Cool [2] mengandalkan pada kedua kata Très Perancis (berarti sangat) [3] dikombinasikan dengan kata dingin . However, the silent "s" has been dropped in the spelling, as a play on the "third" in his name. Namun, s "diam" telah jatuh dalam ejaan, sebagai bermain di "ketiga" dalam nama-Nya.

When Green Day's drummer, John Kiffmeyer, left the band they recruited Cool to play drums. Ketika drummer Green Day, John Kiffmeyer, meninggalkan band mereka direkrut Cool bermain drum. Cool decided to drop out of high school in his sophomore year. Cool memutuskan untuk drop out dari sekolah tinggi di tahun keduanya. Instead, he passed an equivalency test and earned his GED, and began taking classes at a nearby community college. Sebaliknya, ia lulus tes penyetaraan dan memperoleh GED-nya, dan mulai mengambil kelas di sebuah perguruan tinggi masyarakat sekitar. He had to drop out of college, however, when the demands of Green Day's touring intensified. Dia harus drop out dari kuliah, Namun, ketika tuntutan tur Green Day diintensifkan.

Cool's father, who owned a small company, overhauled a bookmobile and even served as the driver on three separate tours. Cool ayah, yang memiliki perusahaan kecil, overhaul sebuah perpustakaan keliling dan bahkan menjabat sebagai driver pada tiga tur terpisah. "I watched them go from a bunch of kids to a group of musicians with work ethic," he later recalled. "Aku melihat mereka pergi dari sekelompok anak-anak untuk sekelompok musisi dengan etos kerja," katanya kemudian ingat. "On their first tour or two, it was more of a party than anything else. I still scratch my head and say, 'How in the hell did they make it?' "Pada tur pertama mereka atau dua, ini lebih dari pesta apalagi saya masih garuk-garuk kepala saya dan berkata, 'Bagaimana mungkin mereka membuatnya?." They used to practice in my living room here - a lot of the songs they did on Dookie. You hear it coming together, and you don't expect people are going to go out and buy it. But when it does, you just say, 'Wow that's so cool.'" Mereka digunakan untuk praktek di ruang tamu saya di sini - banyak lagu yang mereka lakukan pada Dookie Anda mendengarnya datang bersama-sama, dan Anda tidak mengharapkan orang-orang akan pergi dan membelinya.. Tapi jika tidak, Anda hanya mengatakan , "Wah itu keren sekali." "

In 1998, after Green Day won a "Moon Man" Trophy at the MTV Music Awards, Tré Cool famously scaled the Universal globe at Universal studios, but escaped with no punishment - only compliments and cheers. Pada tahun 1998, setelah Green Day memenangkan "Moon Man" Piala di MTV Music Awards, Tre Cool terkenal skala dunia Universal di studio Universal, tetapi melarikan diri dengan hukuman tidak - hanya pujian dan sorak-sorai. Cool has been the only person to ever do so. [ 4 ] Cool telah menjadi satu-satunya orang yang pernah melakukannya. [4]

Tré was once notorious for burning his drum kit, on stage, upon completion of every set on the "Warning" tour. Tre pernah terkenal karena membakar drum-nya kit, di atas panggung, setelah selesai setiap set di tur "" Peringatan. He has a tradition also that if he cracks a cymbal during a concert, he gives it away at the end. Dia memiliki tradisi juga bahwa jika ia retak simbal selama konser, dia memberikan itu pergi pada akhirnya.

Nyanyian dan lagu
Tré sings and plays guitar on the tracks " Dominated Love Slave " and "All by Myself", from Kerplunk! and Dookie , respectively, both of which he wrote and composed. Tre menyanyi dan bermain gitar di track " Cinta Didominasi budak "dan" Semua oleh Myself ", dari Kerplunk! dan Dookie , masing-masing, baik yang ia menulis dan tenang. He wrote and sang the subtrack "Rock and Roll Girlfriend" from the medley "Homecoming" featured on the album American Idiot . Dia menulis dan menyanyikan subtrack di "Rock and Roll Girlfriend" dari medley "Homecoming" ditampilkan di album American Idiot . He also sang and composed the track "DUI" ("Driving Under the Influence"), which was recorded during the Nimrod sessions and was due to be released on Shenanigans (a compilation of B-sides), but it was omitted and can only be found online. Dia juga bernyanyi dan terdiri lagu "DUI" ("Driving bawah Pengaruh"), yang dicatat selama Nimrod sesi dan telah jatuh tempo akan dirilis pada kejahatan (sebuah kompilasi B-sisi), tapi itu dihilangkan dan hanya dapat ditemukan online.

During a radio interview at Washington DC's alternative station DC 101 , Tré sang and played the guitar to a short song titled "Like a Rat does Cheese," a song about the pleasure of fellatio . Dalam sebuah wawancara radio di Washington DC alternatif stasiun DC 101 , Tre menyanyi dan bermain gitar untuk sebuah lagu pendek berjudul "Seperti Rat tidak Cheese," sebuah lagu tentang kenikmatan fellatio . This song was acoustic. lagu ini akustik.

Several live tracks also exist, usually from early dates around 1993, such as "Food Around the Corner." Beberapa trek hidup juga ada, biasanya dari tanggal awal sekitar tahun 1993, seperti "Makanan Around the Corner." a song from the 1943 Elmer Fudd cartoon An Itch in Time . lagu dari 1943 Elmer Fudd kartun An Itch in Time . Another live track, "Billie Joe's Mom" was also recorded. Lagu lain hidup, "Ibu Billie Joe's" juga direkam


Biografy Mike Dirnt

Mike Dirnt (lahir Michael Ryan Pritchard pada tanggal 4 Mei 1972) adalah musisi Amerika yang saat ini bassis dan vokalis dukungan untuk American rock band Green Day . While at school, he would play "air-bass." Sementara di sekolah, ia akan bermain "udara-bass." While pretending to pluck the strings, he made the noise, "dirnt, dirnt, dirnt," so his schoolmates started to call him "Mike Dirnt." Sementara berpura-pura memetik senar, ia membuat kebisingan, "dirnt, dirnt, dirnt," begitu sekolahnya nya mulai memanggilnya "Mike Dirnt."

Kehidupan dan Karir
Dirnt was born and raised in South Carolina. Dirnt lahir dan dibesarkan di South Carolina. He was adopted by a Native American mother and a white father. Dia diadopsi oleh penduduk asli Amerika ibu dan ayah putih. He has one sister, Myla. Dia punya satu saudara perempuan, Myla. His parents divorced when he was seven years old. Orang tuanya bercerai ketika ia berusia tujuh tahun. His mother remarried a few years later. Ibunya menikah lagi beberapa tahun kemudian. When asked about his stepdad, he says, "We didn't get along for years. Later on, when I hit high school, my mom moved away from us, and me and my stepdad got real close... But then he died when I was 17." [ 1 ] Dirnt had left home when he was 17 to live out of his truck, but later rented a room in Billie Joe Armstrong 's house. Ketika ditanya tentang ayah tirinya, ia mengatakan, "Kami tidak bisa bersama selama bertahun-tahun Kemudian,. Ketika saya menghantam sekolah tinggi, ibu saya pindah jauh dari kami, dan aku dan ayah tiriku menjadi sangat dekat ... Tapi kemudian dia meninggal ketika saya berumur 17. " [1] Dirnt telah meninggalkan rumah saat ia berusia 17 untuk tinggal keluar dari truknya, tetapi kemudian menyewa sebuah kamar di Billie Joe Armstrong rumah '. He attended Salesian High School (where he briefly played with the band Helder and the Heldernauts), John Swett High School , and ended up graduating from Pinole Valley High School in 1990; Green Day went on their first tour the day after graduation. Dia dihadiri Salesian High School (di mana dia sebentar dimainkan dengan band Helder dan Heldernauts), John Swett High School , dan akhirnya lulus dari Pinole Valley High School pada tahun 1990; Green Day melanjutkan tur hari pertama mereka setelah lulus.

However, Dirnt almost didn't graduate. Namun, Dirnt hampir tidak lulus. He had missed school because of work, and his mother wasn't around to sign absentee forms. Dia telah kehilangan sekolah karena pekerjaan, dan ibunya tidak sekitar untuk menandatangani formulir tdk hadir. Two unexcused absences caused him to lose a full grade point; and at the end of senior year, he had lowly results instead of the grades he'd worked to achieve. Dua absen unexcused menyebabkan dia kehilangan titik kelas penuh, dan pada akhir tahun senior, ia hasil rendah daripada nilai-nilai yang ia bekerja untuk mencapai. "I took my mom aside," Mike says. "Aku mengambil ibuku samping," kata Mike. "I said, 'This is how it is. You have so much shit going on in your life, so if once every semester you ask me if I've done my homework and jump all over my case, that's not right. Have I failed yet? No. And I'm going to graduate if you stay off my back. The one time in your life you chose to have morals, and it's going to fuck me up." [ 1 ] "Aku berkata, 'Ini adalah bagaimana Anda telah begitu banyak kotoran yang terjadi dalam hidup Anda, jadi jika sekali setiap semester Anda bertanya kepada saya jika saya sudah melakukan pekerjaan rumah saya dan melompat seluruh kasus saya, itu tidak benar.. Apakah aku namun gagal.? Nomor Dan aku akan lulus jika saya tinggal pergi kembali satu kali dalam hidup Anda, Anda memilih untuk memiliki moral, dan itu akan meniduri saya. " [1]

Dirnt met Billie Joe Armstrong in 1982, at age 10, in the Rodeo Elementary School cafeteria, a few months before Armstrong's father died of Esophageal cancer . Dirnt bertemu Billie Joe Armstrong tahun 1982, pada usia 10, di kantin SD Rodeo, beberapa bulan sebelum Armstrong ayah meninggal karena kanker esofageal . He and Armstrong first founded Sweet Children in 1987, and they then started their current band Green Day with former Isocracy drummer Al Sobrante (aka John Kiffmeyer) in 1989 and then switched to their present drummer, Tré Cool . Dia dan Armstrong pertama didirikan Sweet Anak-anak pada tahun 1987, dan mereka kemudian mulai band mereka saat ini Green Day dengan mantan Isocracy drummer Al Sobrante (alias John Kiffmeyer) pada tahun 1989 dan kemudian beralih ke drummer mereka saat ini, Tre Cool . Some years before, Dirnt moved in with Armstrong because his mother and sister moved away from Rodeo. Beberapa tahun sebelumnya, Dirnt pindah dengan Armstrong karena ibu dan adik perempuannya pindah dari Rodeo. Dirnt did not want to move away from his new-found best friend and love for music. Dirnt tidak ingin pindah dari baru-ditemukan sahabatnya dan cinta untuk musik.

Green Day's Woodstock '94 gig was one for the history books: a huge mud fight ensued between the band and the audience. Green Day's Woodstock '94 adalah salah satu pertunjukan untuk buku-buku sejarah: yang besar lumpur perkelahian terjadi antara band dan penonton. So many mud-covered fans got up on stage by the end of the set that one of the security guards mistook Dirnt for a marauding fan, tackled him, and broke several of his teeth while attempting to haul him off the stage. Jadi fans banyak yang tertutup lumpur naik ke atas panggung pada akhir menetapkan bahwa salah satu penjaga keamanan mengira Dirnt untuk penggemar perampokan, ditangani, dan beberapa patah giginya ketika mencoba menyeretnya dari panggung.

He used to play an old Gibson G-3 bass, but during Nimrod. , Tré Cool accidentally broke it on stage trying to show fan Brendan Taylor how to spin a bass around his back. Dia digunakan untuk memainkan tua Gibson G-3 bass, tapi selama Nimrod. , Tre Cool sengaja pecah di panggung berusaha untuk menunjukkan penggemar Brendan Taylor bagaimana spin bass di punggungnya. Armstrong then sent Dirnt's bass tech out to get him a new bass. Armstrong kemudian dikirim bas Dirnt keluar tech memberinya bass baru. It resulted in a '69 Fender Precision Bass . Ini mengakibatkan '69 Fender Precision Bass . He later asked Fender to make him a custom P-Bass, and the result is modeled after the '51 P-Bass with a '59 Custom Shop "Hot Rod" Split-Coil Pickup, a BadAss II bridge and a thinner neck. Dia kemudian diminta untuk membuatnya Fender P-Bass custom, dan hasilnya dimodelkan setelah 51 P-Bass dengan '59 Custom Shop "Hot Rod" Split-Coil Pickup, seorang badass II jembatan dan leher yang lebih tipis. It was released in early 2004. Film ini dirilis pada awal 2004.


Dirnt has a daughter, Estelle Dezerae, who was born in April 1997 (with first wife Anastasia) and has the nickname "Hero"; he won full custody over her in summer 2008 and took her to live in Oakland. Dirnt memiliki seorang anak perempuan, Dezerae Estelle, yang lahir pada April 1997 (dengan Anastasia istri pertama) dan memiliki julukan "Hero", dia memenangkan hak asuh penuh atas dirinya di musim panas 2008 dan membawanya untuk tinggal di Oakland. In 2004, he married his then girlfriend Sarah. Pada tahun 2004, ia menikah lalu pacarnya Sarah. The two divorced that same year. Dua bercerai pada tahun yang sama. Dirnt also has a son named Brixton Michael with Brittney Cade, born on October 11, 2008. Dirnt juga memiliki seorang putera bernama Brixton Michael dengan Brittney Cade, lahir pada tanggal 11 Oktober 2008. Brittney and Mike were wed on March 14, 2009 in a private ceremony in her hometown of Ojai, California . Brittney dan Mike yang menikah pada tanggal 14 Maret 2009 dalam sebuah upacara pribadi di kota kelahirannya Ojai, California .

Dirnt is part owner and chef of Rudy's Can't Fail Cafe, a diner in Emeryville, California. [ 1 ] The diner likely gets its name from a song by punk band The Clash entitled "Rudie Can't Fail," off of their album London Calling . Dirnt adalah bagian pemilik dan koki Rudy's Can't Fail Cafe, sebuah restoran di Emeryville, California. [1] Rumah makan mungkin mendapatkan namanya dari sebuah lagu oleh band punk The Clash berjudul "Rudie Can't Fail," off mereka Album London Calling .


Billie Joe Armstrong dan Mike Dirnt adalah pendiri sebenarnya dari band Sweet Children, yang kita kenal sekarang sebagai Green Day. When they were ten years old (1982), the duo met in the cafeteria of John Sweet High School in Crockett, California. Ketika mereka berusia sepuluh tahun (1982), duo bertemu di kantin Yohanes Sweet High School di Crockett, California. During sleepovers at each other's houses, they played songs by old heavy metal warhorses such as Ozzy Osbourne, Def Leppard, and Van Halen. Selama menginap di rumah masing-masing, mereka memainkan lagu-lagu lama warhorses logam berat seperti Ozzy Osbourne, Def Leppard, dan Van Halen. Other influences would be the "thrash and drang" of the Bay Area's alternative music culture percolating throughout the eighties. Pengaruh lainnya akan menjadi "thrash dan drang" budaya musik alternatif Bay Area meresap seluruh delapan puluhan. Clubs such as Mabuhay Gardens and Berkeley's 924 Gilman Street regularly showcased local groups like the Dead Kennedys and Buck Naked. Klub seperti Mabuhay Gardens dan Berkeley 924 Gilman Street teratur memamerkan kelompok-kelompok lokal seperti Dead Kennedys dan Buck Naked. Billie Joe was 14 when he wrote his first song, "Why Do You Want Him?", a song about his mother and stepfather. Billie Joe berusia 14 ketika ia menulis lagu pertamanya, "Mengapa Apakah Anda Ingin Dia?", Sebuah lagu tentang ibunya dan ayah tirinya. In 1987, Billie Joe and Mike recruited drummer John Kriftmeyer (aka Al Sobrante) and formed the band Sweet Children. Pada tahun 1987, Billie Joe dan Mike merekrut drummer John Kriftmeyer (alias Al Sobrante) dan membentuk band Sweet Children. They played their first official gig at Rod's Hickory Pit in Vallejo, CA. Mereka memainkan pertunjukan pertama resmi mereka di Rod's Hickory Pit di Vallejo, CA. Soon, they started playing at clubs on the infamous Gilman Street in Berkeley, CA. Tak lama kemudian, mereka mulai bermain di klub-klub di Gilman Street terkenal di Berkeley, CA.

As Green Day, they recorded their first EP, 1,000 Hours, in two days when they were 17 and seniors in high school. Seperti Green Day, mereka merekam EP pertama mereka, 1.000 Jam, dalam dua hari ketika mereka 17 dan senior di sekolah tinggi. Soon, Mike graduated, however Billie Joe dropped out one day prior to his 18th birthday. Segera, Mike lulus, namun Billie Joe putus satu hari sebelum berusia 18 tahun. They followed up the 1,000 Hours EP with numberous pressings of the "Sweet Children" EP, and also the "Slappy" EP. Mereka menindaklanjuti 1.000 Jam EP dengan pressing numberous dari "Anak Manis" EP, dan juga "Slappy" EP. Their official debut album came in 1990, a combination of all the previous EP, and named "1039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours". debut album resmi mereka datang pada tahun 1990, kombinasi dari semua EP sebelumnya, dan dinamakan "1039 merapikan Out Slappy Hours". The album was released by local indie label Lookout! Album ini dirilis oleh label lokal indie Lookout! Records. Records. Soon after, John Kriftmeyer decided to leave the band to presue college, so Billie and Mike recruited Gilman Street vetran, Tre Cool. Segera setelah itu, John Kriftmeyer memutuskan untuk meninggalkan band untuk presue perguruan tinggi, sehingga Billie dan Mike direkrut vetran Gilman Street, Tre Cool. Tre had been playing in the band, The Lookouts!, since he was 12. Tre telah bermain di band, The Lookouts, sejak ia berusia 12!. Members of The Lookouts include Lawrence Livermore, the owner of Lookout! Anggota The Lookouts termasuk Lawrence Livermore, pemilik Lookout! Records. Records. In 1991, Tre debuted on Green Day's second album, "Kerpunk!". Pada tahun 1991, Tre memulai debutnya di album kedua Green Day, "Kerpunk!".

Green Day built its following the old-fashioned way -- they earned it. Green Day built mengikuti cara lama - mereka mendapatkannya. Before they even hooked up with a major label, the band had already completed five national tours, driving their renovated bookmobile (with Tre's father at the wheel) coast to coast and crashing on friends' and fan's floors. Sebelum mereka bahkan tersambung dengan label besar, band ini sudah selesai lima wisata nasional, mengemudi pantai mereka direnovasi perpustakaan keliling (dengan ayah Tre di roda) untuk pantai dan menerjang pada teman-teman 'dan lantai penggemar. After capturing the attention of producer Rob Cavallo of Reprise Records. Setelah menangkap perhatian produser Rob Cavallo dari Reprise Records. Faced with a hard choice, the guys decided to sign onto a major label in April 1993, and soon started recorded the album that would through them into stardom, 1994's "Dookie". Dihadapkan dengan pilihan sulit, orang-orang memutuskan untuk sign ke major label pada bulan April 1993, dan segera mulai merekam album yang akan melalui mereka ke dalam bintang, 1994's "Dookie".

Pandemonium struck when their Reprise debut, "Dookie", was released and Green Day introduced an ever-expanding audience to the energy and insanity of punk rock. Kekacauan melanda saat Reprise debut mereka, "Dookie", dirilis dan Green Day memperkenalkan pemirsa terus berkembang dengan energi dan kegilaan punk rock. With the 14 loud'n'fast tunes of "Dookie" clocking in at only 39 minutes, 1993 suddenly sounded more like 1977. Dengan 14 lagu loud'n'fast dari "Dookie" clocking in di hanya 39 menit, tiba-tiba terdengar 1993 lebih seperti 1977. Soon, Green Day's songs about picking scabs, pyromania and masturbation had become unofficial national anthems. Segera, lagu-lagu Green Day tentang pemilihan, pyromania scabs dan masturbasi telah menjadi lagu kebangsaan tidak resmi. Green Day was singing about its own distinct form of malcontent, but it seemed there was a world of followers who felt their pain and wanted to laugh --and mosh -- along with it. Green Day bernyanyi tentang bentuk yang berbeda nya sendiri yg tdk senang, tapi sepertinya ada dunia pengikut yang merasa sakit dan ingin tertawa - dan mosh - bersama dengan itu. Immaturity was cool again. Ketidakdewasaan dingin lagi. "Dookie" went on to sell more than 10 million copies in the US alone, and Green Day won a Grammy in 1994 for "Best Alternative Music Performance." "Dookie" melanjutkan untuk menjual lebih dari 10 juta kopi di Amerika Serikat saja, dan Green Day memenangkan Grammy pada tahun 1994 untuk "Best Alternative Music Performance." Of course, this led some of the gang back on Gilman Street to cry "sell-out" and "mainstream," but one listen to Green Day and you'd know this wasn't some watered- down white-bread punk designed to impress your parents. Tentu saja, hal ini menyebabkan beberapa geng Gilman Street kembali menangis "menjual-out" dan "mainstream," tapi mendengarkan Green Day dan Anda akan tahu ini bukan-dipermudah punk roti putih yang dirancang untuk kesan orang tua Anda.

On their next few albums, "Insomniac" and "Nimrod", Green Day has managed to stay true to the punk attitude while proving they're not just one-trick ponies or even three-chord monkeys. Pada beberapa album mereka berikutnya, "Insomniac" dan "Nimrod", Green Day telah berhasil tetap setia dengan sikap punk sementara membuktikan mereka bukan kuda hanya satu-trik atau monyet bahkan tiga-akord. On Nimrod, note the surf-style instrumental, "Last Ride In" and the string section of "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)", which was featured prominently on an episode of ER and the final installment of Seinfield. Pada Nimrod, perhatikan gaya surfing instrumental, "Ride Terakhir Dalam" dan bagian string dari "Good pembebasan (Time of Your Life)", yang menonjol pada satu episode ER dan angsuran terakhir Seinfield. By this time, the members were starting families, and it was becoming apparent that they were maturing as individuals and as a band. Pada saat ini, anggota keluarga mulai, dan itu menjadi jelas bahwa mereka jatuh tempo sebagai individu dan sebagai sebuah band. They wanted to take some time off to be with their families and enjoy life. Mereka ingin mengambil waktu istirahat untuk bersama keluarga dan menikmati hidup. So after the success of "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)", Green Day took a two year break. Jadi setelah keberhasilan "Baik pembebasan (Time of Your Life)", Green Day mengambil cuti dua tahun.

In 2000, Green Day hit the music scene once again with their album "Warning". Pada tahun 2000, Green Day memukul musik sekali lagi dengan "Peringatan" album mereka. The album is a different sound for the band, a more mellow punk if you will. Album ini adalah suara yang berbeda untuk band, punk lebih mellow jika Anda mau. Unfortunatly, the album wasn't very well accepted by critics and fans alike. Sayangnya, album ini tidak terlalu diterima dengan baik oleh kritikus dan penggemarnya. The biggest hit from the album was the song "Minority". Hit terbesar dari album ini adalah lagu "Minoritas".

So after another four years with a few tours and a couple of compliation albums (International Superhits! in 2001 and Shenanigans in 2002), but no new material from Green Day, fans were hit with the September 2004 released of "American Idiot", an album which lashes out against the American government and the media. Jadi setelah empat tahun dengan wisata sedikit dan beberapa album compliation (International Superhits! Pada tahun 2001 dan shenanigans pada tahun 2002), tetapi tidak ada materi baru dari Green Day, fans memukul dengan September 2004 dirilis dari "American Idiot", sebuah album yang bulu melawan pemerintah Amerika dan media. "American Idiot" was the first Green Day ever to debut at #1 on the Billboard Charts, and other music charts around the world. "American Idiot" adalah pertama Green Day pernah debut di # 1 di Charts Billboard, dan chart musik lainnya di seluruh dunia. The album's title track, was an instant success. judul lagu album tersebut, menjadi sebuah kesuksesan instan. The follow up single, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" experienced a must greater success. Tindak lanjut tunggal, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" mengalami sukses yang lebih besar harus. "American Idiot" was nominated for seven Grammy awards, and took home one, "Best Rock Album". "American Idiot" dinominasikan untuk tujuh penghargaan Grammy, dan membawa pulang satu, "Best Rock Album". The release and success of this album proved that Green Day are indeed the biggest rock band in the world. Pelepasan dan keberhasilan album ini membuktikan bahwa Green Day memang band rock terbesar di dunia.

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Green Day - When It's Time lyrics

Words get trapped in my mind
I'm sorry I don't take the time to feel the way I do
'Cause from the first day you came into my life
My time ticks around you
But then I need your voice
As a key to unlock all the love thats trapped in me

So tell me when it's time to say I love you

All I want is you to understand
That when I take your hand its 'cause I want to
We are all born in a world of doubt
But there's no doubt
I figured out, I love you

All I want is you to understand
That when I take your hand its 'cause I want to
We are all born in a world of doubt
And there's no doubt
I figured out, I love you

I feel lonely for
All the losers that will never take the time to say
What's really on their mind instead they just hide away
And yet they'll never have
Someone like you to grab them and help along the way
Or tell them when its time to say I love you

So tell me when its time to say I love you

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Biografi Billie Joe Armstrong...!!

Billie Joe Armstrong (lahir 17 Februari 1972; umur 39 tahun) adalah penyanyi dan pemain gitar dari grup musik Green Day.


Armstrong adalah anak paling muda dari enam bersaudara, lahir di Oakland, California, dan diasuh di Rodeo, California. Ayahnya, Andy Armstrong, adalah pemain musik yang beraliran jazz dan sopir truk, telah meninggal karena kanker ketika Armstrong berumur 10 tahun. Ibunya, Ollie Jackson, adalah pelayan di sebuah restoran bernama Rod's Hickory Pit, tempat dimana Billie dan temannya Mike Dirnt bekerja di masa remaja mereka. Rod's Hickory Pit adalah tempat dimana Armstrong dan band nya Sweet Children tampil pertama kali. Ibunya, Ollie salah menulis nama ketika Billie lahir. Dia memberikan nama Billie yang seharusnya di tulis Billy. Armstrong adalah satu-satunya anggota di band Green Day yang menggunakan nama aslinya. Kedua temannya, Michael Ryan Pritchard (Mike Dirnt) dan Frank Edwin Wright III (Tré Cool), telah mengganti nama mereka.

Kehidupan pribadi

Pada tahun 2007, Armstrong berumur 35 tahun dan telah menjadi anggota band Green Day selama 18 tahun. Armstrong menikah dengan Adrienne Nesser pada tanggal 2 Juli 1994. Pesta pernikahannya hanya berlangsung selama 5 menit. Satu hari setelah mereka menikah, Adrienne hamil dan pada bulan Maret 1995, ia melahirkan anak pertama mereka, Joseph Marciano Armstrong (lahir 15, Maret, 1995). Tiga tahun kemudian, mereka mempunyai anak kedua, Jakob Danger Armstrong (lahir 12, September 1998).
Adrienne lahir pada bulan 6 Oktober, 1969 di Minneapolis, Minnesota. Saudara lelakinya, Steve Nesser, adalah seorang pemain skateboard professional. Adrienne pun mengambil jurusan Sosiologi di Universitas Minnesota. Ketika menonton konser Green Day di Minnesota, Adrienne mendatangi Armstrong dan bertanya padanya dimana dia bisa membeli album mereka. Armstrong terpesona dengan rambut hitam dan panjang milik Adrienne. Sejak hari itu, mereka berdua terus melanjutkan kontak mereka dengan berbicara di telfon. Ciuman pertama mereka menjadi inspirasi Armstrong untuk menulis lagu 2,000 Light Years Away. Lagu 80 juga bercerita tentang Adrienne. Armstrong sudah berkunjung ke Minnesota dua kali untuk mengunjungi Adrienne, tetapi, setelah pacaran satu setengah tahun, mereka tidak bisa bersama lagi karena tempat tinggal mereka terlalu jauh.
Setelah Armstrong dan Adrienne bertunangan, mereka merencanakan pernikahan mereka hanya dalam kurun waktu 2 minggu. Pernikahan mereka dilaksanakan di belakang rumah Armstrong selama 5 menit. Mereka berbulan madu di Hotel Claremont, yang hanya berjarak 10 menit dari rumah mereka.
Sekarang ini, Adrienne sering terlihat di belakang panggung ketika Green Day tampil. Dia juga bekerja bersama Billie Joe untuk sebuah record label bernama Adeline Record dan sebuah clothing line bernama Adeline Street

Masa-masa di Green Day

Pada tahun 1988, Armstrong membuat band bernama Sweet Children dengan temannya, Mike Dirnt, dan seorang drummer bernama Al Sobrante {John Kiffmeyer}. Pada tahun 1989, mereka mengganti namanya menjadi Green Day, dan membuat rekaman 1,000 Hours, di Lookout! Records. Beberapa bulan kemudian, mereka mengeluarkan sebuah album berjudul "1,039 Smoothed Slappy Hours". Pada tahun 1990, Sobrante keluar dari Green Day karena ingin meneruskan sekolahnya dan digantikan dengan Tré Cool (Frank Edwin Wright III), yang melanjutkan album kedua Green Day, Kerplunk!, memainkan semua lagu kecuali 3 buah lagu.


Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

SLAM DUNK Biografi.

slam dunk

Slam Dunk (スラムダンク) adalah sebuah manga sepanjang 31 jilid yang dikarang oleh Takehiko Inoue tentang sebuah tim bola basket dari SMA Shōhoku. Manga ini sangat populer di Jepang - banyak remaja di sana mulai bermain basket setelah membaca komik ini.
Slam Dunk muncul pertama kalinya dalam majalah manga Weekly Shonen Jump. Di Jepang, komiknya diterbitkan oleh Shueisha dari tahun 1990 hinga 1996, sementara di Indonesia diterbitkan oleh Elex Media Komputindo. Sebelum diterbitkan Elex, komik ini pernah pula diterbitkan oleh Rajawali Grafiti, meskipun kemungkinan besar tanpa lisensi resmi. Anime berdurasi 101 episode kemudian diproduksi oleh TV Asahi dan Toei Animation dan diikuti oleh 4 film animasi layar lebar.

Jalan cerita

Hanamichi Sakuragi adalah seorang berandalan yang telah 50 kali ditolak perempuan yang diminta untuk menjadi pacarnya. Ia kemudian bertemu Akagi Haruko, gadis idamannya yang mengajurkan Sakuragi untuk mencoba bergabung dengan tim basket SMA Shōhoku. Meskipun agak enggan karena tak mempunyai pengalaman bermain basket, Sakuragi memutuskan untuk bergabung agar dapat membuat Haruko terkesan dan membuktikan dirinya pantas untuk menjadi pacar Haruko. Kaede Rukawa, saingan Sakuragi baik dalam hal percintaan maupun di lapangan basket, bergabung pada saat yang sama. Hisashi Mitsui, mantan pemain terbaik di SMP, dan Ryota Miyagi keduanya juga bergabung dengan tim Shōhoku untuk mencapai impian sang kapten tim, Takenori Akagi untuk membawa Shōhoku menjadi juara nasional. Bersama-sama, kelimanya membentuk tim yang kuat dan Shōhoku yang sebelumnya tidak dikenal luas berubah menjadi salah satu calon juara. Kemudian mereka ikut dalam perlombaan antar SMU,untuk mencapai harapan takenori akagi mencapai juara nasional.mereka berlatih dengan giat,memasuki hari pertandingan sakuragi tak dapat tidur memikirkan

Tokoh-tokoh utama

[sunting]Hanamichi Sakuragi (桜木花道)
Tokoh utama komik ini. Pada awalnya Sakuragi tidak menyukai basket karena dia pernah ditolak seorang gadis yang lebih menyukai anak basket, tetapi setelah bertemu dengan Haruko Akagi (adik perempuan Takenori Akagi) dia mati-matian berusaha agar diikutkan dalam tim basket Shohoku. Ternyata setelah masuk dalam tim basket, Hanamichi mulai berulah dengan bersaing dengan Rukawa, seorang Ace di bidang basket, Sakuragi sangat ingin bersaing dengannya karena Haruko meyukai Rukawa, sehingga Hanamichi menganggap Rukawa adalah musuh bebuyutan. Sakuragi selalu berusaha mencari perhatian Haruko sehingga kadang-kadang tingkahnya sangat konyol, belum lagi ulahnya pada anggota tim basket SMU lain. Meskipun demikian, Hanamichi dikagumi karena kemampuan belajarnya yang sangat cepat. Pada akhirnya, bakat melompat dan rebounds Hanamichi-lah yang menjadi kunci permainan tim Shohoku.
[sunting]Takenori Akagi(赤木剛憲)
Kapten tim basket Shohoku ini sangat berbakat & terkenal di daerah sebagai center terkuat. Takenori sangat menyukai basket bahkan hampir memujanya, sebenarnya ambisinyalah untuk memajukan tim basket Shohoku hingga ke ajang nasional, tetapi Takenori & tim basket Shohoku belum pernah memenangkan pertandingan hingga tahun terakhirnya di SMU dia memiliki anggota tim basket yang hebat (walau menyusahkan). Takenori lebih sering dipanggil 'Gori' atau 'Gorilla' karena fisiknya yang menyerupai gorila. Panggilan ini berasal dari Mitsui pada saat pertandingan latihan pertama mereka.Tapi,kemudian Hanamichi mempopulerkan sebutan ini lagi,padahal sebelumnya dia tidak tahu Akagi sering disebut Gorilla
[sunting]Tokoh lainnya
Haruko Akagi (赤木晴子)
Seorang gadis manis yang juga menyukai basket seperti kakaknya. Dialah yang pertama memperkenalkan Sakuragi kepada basket, walau awalnya Sakuragi mengikuti basket karena suka pada Haruko, tetapi setelah melewati berbagai proses akhirnya Sakuragi benar-benar menyukai basket. Haruko sendiri sebenarnya menyukai Rukawa, tetapi kemudian dia tahu kalau cintanya bertepuk sebelah tangan.
Mitsui Hisashi (三井寿)
Pernah menjadi MVP pada waktu SMP, membuat nama Mitsui terkenal. Namun sayangnya karena cidera Mitsui harus menjalani terapi dan perasaan irinya pada Takenori membuatnya sempat membenci basket, hingga berkeinginan untuk menghancurkan tim basket tempat dia berlatih, di SMU Shohoku, tetapi setelah bertemu Pelatih Anzai kembali, dia memutuskan untuk memotong rambutnya dan bergabung kembali di tim basket Shohoku. Setelah bergabung kembali dengan tim basket Shohoku, Mitsui menjadi salah satu pemain utama Shohoku yang terkenal dengan lemparan tiga angkanya, sekalipun dia sering kehabisan stamina di akhir pertandingan. Mitsui juga dikenal sebagai pemain yang hebat di saat genting
Ryota Miyagi (宮城リョータ)
Dikenal sebagai 'point guard' yang memiliki kecepatan. Mantan anak berandal yang suka berkelahi, dia adalah cowok No-2 tersial setelah Sakuragi, karena sering di tolak perempuan. Dia telah lama menyukai Ayako dan akan sangat kesal jika ada laki-laki lain yang dekat dengan Ayako. Bahkan, Ryota pernah berkelahi dengan Hanamichi, karena mengira Hanamichi pacar Ayako.
Kogure Kiminobu (????)
Kogure adalah wakil kapten tim Shohoku, sekalipun begitu Kogure lebih sering duduk di bangku cadangan dan memberikan semangat pada tim. Penampilannya yang lemah membuatnya sering diremehkan tim lawan. Meskipun tidak sehebat Mitsui, kemampuan menembak tiga angkanya juga bisa diandalkan di saat-saat krisis.
Ayako (彩子)
Manajer tim basket Shohoku yang cantik dan penuh semangat. Dia dianggap menjadi pahlawan wanita tim Shohoku dan tidak segan-segan memarahi anggota tim basket yang tidak memberi salam dengan semangat, sekalipun anggota tim basket itu adalah kakak kelasnya.
Pelatih Anzai Mitsuyoshi(安西光義)
Disebut sebagai 'Buddha berambut putih' karena pembawaan yang kalem. Padahal dulu waktu menjadi pelatih basket di universitas dikenal sebagai pelatih yang keras dengan julukan 'The White Devil'. Perubahan ini dikarenakan Anzai sedih, pemain harapannya, pergi ke Amerika dan meninggal karena kecelakaan disana. Pelatih Anzai sering ditakuti pelatih tim lain karena strategi cerdiknya.
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