Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011


Tre Cool (Frank Edwin Wright lahir III; 9 Desember 1972) adalah seorang Jerman kelahiran Amerika drummer untuk punk rock band Green Day . He replaced the band's former drummer John Kiffmeyer in 1990, he has also played in Samiam , The Lookouts , and the Green Day side projects The Network and Foxboro Hot Tubs . Ia menggantikan Mantan drummer band John Kiffmeyer pada tahun 1990, dia juga bermain di Samiam , para pengintai , dan Green Day samping proyek Jaringan dan Foxboro Hot Tubs .

Kehidupan dan Karir
Frank Edwin Wright III was born in Frankfurt, Germany . Frank Edwin Wright III lahir di Frankfurt, Jerman . He lived in Willits, California with his father and his older sister, Lori. Dia tinggal di Willits, California dengan ayahnya dan kakak nya, Lori. His father, a helicopter pilot in the Vietnam War , decided to move the family there to insulate them upon his return to the United States. ayahnya, seorang pilot helikopter di Perang Vietnam , memutuskan untuk pindah keluarga ada untuk melindungi mereka setelah kembali ke Amerika Serikat.

Wright's closest neighbor was Larry Livermore , who at the time was the singer of the punk band The Lookouts . tetangga terdekat Wright Larry Livermore , yang pada saat itu adalah penyanyi dari band punk para pengintai . At age 12, Livermore recruited Wright to join The Lookouts and gave him the name of Tre Cool [ 2 ] relying on both the French word très (meaning very ) [ 3 ] combined with the word cool . Pada usia 12, Livermore Wright direkrut untuk bergabung dengan para pengintai dan memberinya nama Tre Cool [2] mengandalkan pada kedua kata Très Perancis (berarti sangat) [3] dikombinasikan dengan kata dingin . However, the silent "s" has been dropped in the spelling, as a play on the "third" in his name. Namun, s "diam" telah jatuh dalam ejaan, sebagai bermain di "ketiga" dalam nama-Nya.

When Green Day's drummer, John Kiffmeyer, left the band they recruited Cool to play drums. Ketika drummer Green Day, John Kiffmeyer, meninggalkan band mereka direkrut Cool bermain drum. Cool decided to drop out of high school in his sophomore year. Cool memutuskan untuk drop out dari sekolah tinggi di tahun keduanya. Instead, he passed an equivalency test and earned his GED, and began taking classes at a nearby community college. Sebaliknya, ia lulus tes penyetaraan dan memperoleh GED-nya, dan mulai mengambil kelas di sebuah perguruan tinggi masyarakat sekitar. He had to drop out of college, however, when the demands of Green Day's touring intensified. Dia harus drop out dari kuliah, Namun, ketika tuntutan tur Green Day diintensifkan.

Cool's father, who owned a small company, overhauled a bookmobile and even served as the driver on three separate tours. Cool ayah, yang memiliki perusahaan kecil, overhaul sebuah perpustakaan keliling dan bahkan menjabat sebagai driver pada tiga tur terpisah. "I watched them go from a bunch of kids to a group of musicians with work ethic," he later recalled. "Aku melihat mereka pergi dari sekelompok anak-anak untuk sekelompok musisi dengan etos kerja," katanya kemudian ingat. "On their first tour or two, it was more of a party than anything else. I still scratch my head and say, 'How in the hell did they make it?' "Pada tur pertama mereka atau dua, ini lebih dari pesta apalagi saya masih garuk-garuk kepala saya dan berkata, 'Bagaimana mungkin mereka membuatnya?." They used to practice in my living room here - a lot of the songs they did on Dookie. You hear it coming together, and you don't expect people are going to go out and buy it. But when it does, you just say, 'Wow that's so cool.'" Mereka digunakan untuk praktek di ruang tamu saya di sini - banyak lagu yang mereka lakukan pada Dookie Anda mendengarnya datang bersama-sama, dan Anda tidak mengharapkan orang-orang akan pergi dan membelinya.. Tapi jika tidak, Anda hanya mengatakan , "Wah itu keren sekali." "

In 1998, after Green Day won a "Moon Man" Trophy at the MTV Music Awards, Tré Cool famously scaled the Universal globe at Universal studios, but escaped with no punishment - only compliments and cheers. Pada tahun 1998, setelah Green Day memenangkan "Moon Man" Piala di MTV Music Awards, Tre Cool terkenal skala dunia Universal di studio Universal, tetapi melarikan diri dengan hukuman tidak - hanya pujian dan sorak-sorai. Cool has been the only person to ever do so. [ 4 ] Cool telah menjadi satu-satunya orang yang pernah melakukannya. [4]

Tré was once notorious for burning his drum kit, on stage, upon completion of every set on the "Warning" tour. Tre pernah terkenal karena membakar drum-nya kit, di atas panggung, setelah selesai setiap set di tur "" Peringatan. He has a tradition also that if he cracks a cymbal during a concert, he gives it away at the end. Dia memiliki tradisi juga bahwa jika ia retak simbal selama konser, dia memberikan itu pergi pada akhirnya.

Nyanyian dan lagu
Tré sings and plays guitar on the tracks " Dominated Love Slave " and "All by Myself", from Kerplunk! and Dookie , respectively, both of which he wrote and composed. Tre menyanyi dan bermain gitar di track " Cinta Didominasi budak "dan" Semua oleh Myself ", dari Kerplunk! dan Dookie , masing-masing, baik yang ia menulis dan tenang. He wrote and sang the subtrack "Rock and Roll Girlfriend" from the medley "Homecoming" featured on the album American Idiot . Dia menulis dan menyanyikan subtrack di "Rock and Roll Girlfriend" dari medley "Homecoming" ditampilkan di album American Idiot . He also sang and composed the track "DUI" ("Driving Under the Influence"), which was recorded during the Nimrod sessions and was due to be released on Shenanigans (a compilation of B-sides), but it was omitted and can only be found online. Dia juga bernyanyi dan terdiri lagu "DUI" ("Driving bawah Pengaruh"), yang dicatat selama Nimrod sesi dan telah jatuh tempo akan dirilis pada kejahatan (sebuah kompilasi B-sisi), tapi itu dihilangkan dan hanya dapat ditemukan online.

During a radio interview at Washington DC's alternative station DC 101 , Tré sang and played the guitar to a short song titled "Like a Rat does Cheese," a song about the pleasure of fellatio . Dalam sebuah wawancara radio di Washington DC alternatif stasiun DC 101 , Tre menyanyi dan bermain gitar untuk sebuah lagu pendek berjudul "Seperti Rat tidak Cheese," sebuah lagu tentang kenikmatan fellatio . This song was acoustic. lagu ini akustik.

Several live tracks also exist, usually from early dates around 1993, such as "Food Around the Corner." Beberapa trek hidup juga ada, biasanya dari tanggal awal sekitar tahun 1993, seperti "Makanan Around the Corner." a song from the 1943 Elmer Fudd cartoon An Itch in Time . lagu dari 1943 Elmer Fudd kartun An Itch in Time . Another live track, "Billie Joe's Mom" was also recorded. Lagu lain hidup, "Ibu Billie Joe's" juga direkam

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