Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011


Billie Joe Armstrong dan Mike Dirnt adalah pendiri sebenarnya dari band Sweet Children, yang kita kenal sekarang sebagai Green Day. When they were ten years old (1982), the duo met in the cafeteria of John Sweet High School in Crockett, California. Ketika mereka berusia sepuluh tahun (1982), duo bertemu di kantin Yohanes Sweet High School di Crockett, California. During sleepovers at each other's houses, they played songs by old heavy metal warhorses such as Ozzy Osbourne, Def Leppard, and Van Halen. Selama menginap di rumah masing-masing, mereka memainkan lagu-lagu lama warhorses logam berat seperti Ozzy Osbourne, Def Leppard, dan Van Halen. Other influences would be the "thrash and drang" of the Bay Area's alternative music culture percolating throughout the eighties. Pengaruh lainnya akan menjadi "thrash dan drang" budaya musik alternatif Bay Area meresap seluruh delapan puluhan. Clubs such as Mabuhay Gardens and Berkeley's 924 Gilman Street regularly showcased local groups like the Dead Kennedys and Buck Naked. Klub seperti Mabuhay Gardens dan Berkeley 924 Gilman Street teratur memamerkan kelompok-kelompok lokal seperti Dead Kennedys dan Buck Naked. Billie Joe was 14 when he wrote his first song, "Why Do You Want Him?", a song about his mother and stepfather. Billie Joe berusia 14 ketika ia menulis lagu pertamanya, "Mengapa Apakah Anda Ingin Dia?", Sebuah lagu tentang ibunya dan ayah tirinya. In 1987, Billie Joe and Mike recruited drummer John Kriftmeyer (aka Al Sobrante) and formed the band Sweet Children. Pada tahun 1987, Billie Joe dan Mike merekrut drummer John Kriftmeyer (alias Al Sobrante) dan membentuk band Sweet Children. They played their first official gig at Rod's Hickory Pit in Vallejo, CA. Mereka memainkan pertunjukan pertama resmi mereka di Rod's Hickory Pit di Vallejo, CA. Soon, they started playing at clubs on the infamous Gilman Street in Berkeley, CA. Tak lama kemudian, mereka mulai bermain di klub-klub di Gilman Street terkenal di Berkeley, CA.

As Green Day, they recorded their first EP, 1,000 Hours, in two days when they were 17 and seniors in high school. Seperti Green Day, mereka merekam EP pertama mereka, 1.000 Jam, dalam dua hari ketika mereka 17 dan senior di sekolah tinggi. Soon, Mike graduated, however Billie Joe dropped out one day prior to his 18th birthday. Segera, Mike lulus, namun Billie Joe putus satu hari sebelum berusia 18 tahun. They followed up the 1,000 Hours EP with numberous pressings of the "Sweet Children" EP, and also the "Slappy" EP. Mereka menindaklanjuti 1.000 Jam EP dengan pressing numberous dari "Anak Manis" EP, dan juga "Slappy" EP. Their official debut album came in 1990, a combination of all the previous EP, and named "1039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours". debut album resmi mereka datang pada tahun 1990, kombinasi dari semua EP sebelumnya, dan dinamakan "1039 merapikan Out Slappy Hours". The album was released by local indie label Lookout! Album ini dirilis oleh label lokal indie Lookout! Records. Records. Soon after, John Kriftmeyer decided to leave the band to presue college, so Billie and Mike recruited Gilman Street vetran, Tre Cool. Segera setelah itu, John Kriftmeyer memutuskan untuk meninggalkan band untuk presue perguruan tinggi, sehingga Billie dan Mike direkrut vetran Gilman Street, Tre Cool. Tre had been playing in the band, The Lookouts!, since he was 12. Tre telah bermain di band, The Lookouts, sejak ia berusia 12!. Members of The Lookouts include Lawrence Livermore, the owner of Lookout! Anggota The Lookouts termasuk Lawrence Livermore, pemilik Lookout! Records. Records. In 1991, Tre debuted on Green Day's second album, "Kerpunk!". Pada tahun 1991, Tre memulai debutnya di album kedua Green Day, "Kerpunk!".

Green Day built its following the old-fashioned way -- they earned it. Green Day built mengikuti cara lama - mereka mendapatkannya. Before they even hooked up with a major label, the band had already completed five national tours, driving their renovated bookmobile (with Tre's father at the wheel) coast to coast and crashing on friends' and fan's floors. Sebelum mereka bahkan tersambung dengan label besar, band ini sudah selesai lima wisata nasional, mengemudi pantai mereka direnovasi perpustakaan keliling (dengan ayah Tre di roda) untuk pantai dan menerjang pada teman-teman 'dan lantai penggemar. After capturing the attention of producer Rob Cavallo of Reprise Records. Setelah menangkap perhatian produser Rob Cavallo dari Reprise Records. Faced with a hard choice, the guys decided to sign onto a major label in April 1993, and soon started recorded the album that would through them into stardom, 1994's "Dookie". Dihadapkan dengan pilihan sulit, orang-orang memutuskan untuk sign ke major label pada bulan April 1993, dan segera mulai merekam album yang akan melalui mereka ke dalam bintang, 1994's "Dookie".

Pandemonium struck when their Reprise debut, "Dookie", was released and Green Day introduced an ever-expanding audience to the energy and insanity of punk rock. Kekacauan melanda saat Reprise debut mereka, "Dookie", dirilis dan Green Day memperkenalkan pemirsa terus berkembang dengan energi dan kegilaan punk rock. With the 14 loud'n'fast tunes of "Dookie" clocking in at only 39 minutes, 1993 suddenly sounded more like 1977. Dengan 14 lagu loud'n'fast dari "Dookie" clocking in di hanya 39 menit, tiba-tiba terdengar 1993 lebih seperti 1977. Soon, Green Day's songs about picking scabs, pyromania and masturbation had become unofficial national anthems. Segera, lagu-lagu Green Day tentang pemilihan, pyromania scabs dan masturbasi telah menjadi lagu kebangsaan tidak resmi. Green Day was singing about its own distinct form of malcontent, but it seemed there was a world of followers who felt their pain and wanted to laugh --and mosh -- along with it. Green Day bernyanyi tentang bentuk yang berbeda nya sendiri yg tdk senang, tapi sepertinya ada dunia pengikut yang merasa sakit dan ingin tertawa - dan mosh - bersama dengan itu. Immaturity was cool again. Ketidakdewasaan dingin lagi. "Dookie" went on to sell more than 10 million copies in the US alone, and Green Day won a Grammy in 1994 for "Best Alternative Music Performance." "Dookie" melanjutkan untuk menjual lebih dari 10 juta kopi di Amerika Serikat saja, dan Green Day memenangkan Grammy pada tahun 1994 untuk "Best Alternative Music Performance." Of course, this led some of the gang back on Gilman Street to cry "sell-out" and "mainstream," but one listen to Green Day and you'd know this wasn't some watered- down white-bread punk designed to impress your parents. Tentu saja, hal ini menyebabkan beberapa geng Gilman Street kembali menangis "menjual-out" dan "mainstream," tapi mendengarkan Green Day dan Anda akan tahu ini bukan-dipermudah punk roti putih yang dirancang untuk kesan orang tua Anda.

On their next few albums, "Insomniac" and "Nimrod", Green Day has managed to stay true to the punk attitude while proving they're not just one-trick ponies or even three-chord monkeys. Pada beberapa album mereka berikutnya, "Insomniac" dan "Nimrod", Green Day telah berhasil tetap setia dengan sikap punk sementara membuktikan mereka bukan kuda hanya satu-trik atau monyet bahkan tiga-akord. On Nimrod, note the surf-style instrumental, "Last Ride In" and the string section of "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)", which was featured prominently on an episode of ER and the final installment of Seinfield. Pada Nimrod, perhatikan gaya surfing instrumental, "Ride Terakhir Dalam" dan bagian string dari "Good pembebasan (Time of Your Life)", yang menonjol pada satu episode ER dan angsuran terakhir Seinfield. By this time, the members were starting families, and it was becoming apparent that they were maturing as individuals and as a band. Pada saat ini, anggota keluarga mulai, dan itu menjadi jelas bahwa mereka jatuh tempo sebagai individu dan sebagai sebuah band. They wanted to take some time off to be with their families and enjoy life. Mereka ingin mengambil waktu istirahat untuk bersama keluarga dan menikmati hidup. So after the success of "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)", Green Day took a two year break. Jadi setelah keberhasilan "Baik pembebasan (Time of Your Life)", Green Day mengambil cuti dua tahun.

In 2000, Green Day hit the music scene once again with their album "Warning". Pada tahun 2000, Green Day memukul musik sekali lagi dengan "Peringatan" album mereka. The album is a different sound for the band, a more mellow punk if you will. Album ini adalah suara yang berbeda untuk band, punk lebih mellow jika Anda mau. Unfortunatly, the album wasn't very well accepted by critics and fans alike. Sayangnya, album ini tidak terlalu diterima dengan baik oleh kritikus dan penggemarnya. The biggest hit from the album was the song "Minority". Hit terbesar dari album ini adalah lagu "Minoritas".

So after another four years with a few tours and a couple of compliation albums (International Superhits! in 2001 and Shenanigans in 2002), but no new material from Green Day, fans were hit with the September 2004 released of "American Idiot", an album which lashes out against the American government and the media. Jadi setelah empat tahun dengan wisata sedikit dan beberapa album compliation (International Superhits! Pada tahun 2001 dan shenanigans pada tahun 2002), tetapi tidak ada materi baru dari Green Day, fans memukul dengan September 2004 dirilis dari "American Idiot", sebuah album yang bulu melawan pemerintah Amerika dan media. "American Idiot" was the first Green Day ever to debut at #1 on the Billboard Charts, and other music charts around the world. "American Idiot" adalah pertama Green Day pernah debut di # 1 di Charts Billboard, dan chart musik lainnya di seluruh dunia. The album's title track, was an instant success. judul lagu album tersebut, menjadi sebuah kesuksesan instan. The follow up single, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" experienced a must greater success. Tindak lanjut tunggal, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" mengalami sukses yang lebih besar harus. "American Idiot" was nominated for seven Grammy awards, and took home one, "Best Rock Album". "American Idiot" dinominasikan untuk tujuh penghargaan Grammy, dan membawa pulang satu, "Best Rock Album". The release and success of this album proved that Green Day are indeed the biggest rock band in the world. Pelepasan dan keberhasilan album ini membuktikan bahwa Green Day memang band rock terbesar di dunia.

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